
August 7th – Sequoia National Park

     Today, August 7th, was a trial run for the road trip I have planned. It started off well enough, as I got everything packed into my car and started my journey to the Sequoias around 9:30 a.m. Traffic on the 57 and 210 Freeways slowed me down, but I was having a great … Continue reading


August 21st – The Beginning

    After the excitement of my experimental run on August 7th, it felt strange to have everything go according to plan today. There were no detours, no engine breakdowns and nothing in the least bit unexpected.     I woke up at 7:30 AM and ate breakfast with my family before making sure that … Continue reading

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August 22nd – San Luis Obispo

    Today is a hard day to write about. A lot happened, but most of the happenings were conversations. I woke up a little before 8 A.M. and had breakfast with my Aunt and Uncle. We continued talking all through the morning until we had a wonderful lunch of salmon salad and toast. During … Continue reading


August 23rd – Driving Again

    It is very nice to have a bed. At the moment I do not have one, and I am missing it. But you don’t know where I am yet, so I’ll have to tell you.     This morning I woke up at the bed and breakfast where I fell asleep last night. … Continue reading

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August 24th – Klamath National Park

    After a surprisingly good night of sleep, I woke up at 6 A.M. to see the sun shining down on me. I appreciated its kind attempt to get me up, but I was too cozy. I slept for another two hours and got up for real at 8 A.M. I packed up my … Continue reading

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August 25th – Medford

     This morning I slept in until 8:30 A.M. and enjoyed my cozy campsite at Klamath National Park. When I finally emerged from my tent, I found an overcast sky and crisp mountain air waiting for me. I started out quietly, walking around and simply looking at the green forest surrounding me. Later, I … Continue reading

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August 26th – Sweet Home

     When the inevitable and terrible separation comes (whereby one must get out of bed and face the day), it is a comfort to be greeted by yummy food. This morning I woke up to fresh eggs, bacon and potatoes, and some biscuits that I brought with me.      After we finished the … Continue reading


August 27th – Rest

     Hazard: Do not attempt this hill unless you run on a regular basis.      That is the virtual sign that Marshall tried to hang in front of my face before I followed him on his traditional Sunday morning run. Psh, who ever reads warning signs? Forty-five minutes and four miles later, part … Continue reading


August 28th – Driving through Washington

     Wouldn’t it be wonderful for a day to go exactly according to plan?      Today did go that way and I have to admit that it was a little bit boring. There were no spur-of-the-moment problems to deal with. No adventures, perilous encounters, near-death-experiences. No car engine break downs. Hmm, I suppose … Continue reading

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August 29th – Seattle

     When I thought about leaving on this trip, I found it difficult to imagine myself navigating safely across the USA. I’ve never been good at using maps and directions. They definitely do not come second nature to me – fourth or fifth nature is about where my navigation skills are. I knew I … Continue reading


August 30th – Flowers, Flight and Fun

     Just as I hoped, today was much calmer than yesterday. I still spent a lot of time out and about, but I took a slower pace.      I started the day with a peaceful walk through the Kubota Japanese Garden. From what I read, the unique aspect of the garden is that … Continue reading


August 31st – Olympic National Forest

     Time to get back on the road! I am supposed to be going east, toward Idaho, which is the next state on my list. But I heard a lot of great things about the Olympic National Forest, so I decided to take a small (100 mile) detour.      I left Edmonds this morning … Continue reading